Friday, January 5, 2007

:: Transcribed from personal myspace account::

So, here is my thinking. Ever since I started working at the bank, I have found that the majority of the people in the world are not financially sophisticated. This isn't the fault of them, it's the fault of society. I am starting to believe that the reason for this is because that is how the system is set up. The rich are getting richer, and the poor poorer. But, why is that? What is the reason for this still happening to this day? Why is it that no one does anything about it?

To put it simply, it's because the system that has been tried and tested hasn't worked in the past. In the past, the rich was passed down the lineage of the family. If you weren't born into it, you were either poor or a nobel of some sort. If you were a nobel, that probably meant that you were intellegent enough to realize what the system was all about and could actually lead a rebellion against the rich/royalty. In today's society, it is similar, however the rich have learned from the past. You must appease everyone in order not to have a rebellion.

John Locke wrote about the right to life, liberty and property. He began this modern day society by way of figuring out the things that people would uprise about. You endanger people's lives, you take away their liberty and if you don't give them property, you are more apt to become another statistic of a rebellion of the massive amounts of commoners. There can only be a few rich and alot of poor, otherwise the system will not work. Adam Smith, I believe, came along and changed that from property to the pursuit of happiness, as this general definition is alot more loose and can't be interpreted as such.

We leap forward to today where you have a massive amount of people that are poor. Not by historical definition, but by living standards (And yes, I'm well aware of conditions in Africa - I've seen it myself with my own eyes. But, I am talking about the American society and the way it's set up, so don't question my theory, even if it is a conspiracy theory, because it does make sense if you look at it). You have a large majority of people living from paycheck to paycheck. But, where is this paycheck going? You need to analyze the expenditures that are being done and find a correlation to what is expected of the current living situation that one is in. By doing so, you will have my thesis that I am proposing.

Let's take, for example, the average person. The majority of expenses are going to living arrangements, mainy from their apartment, home, or condo. Most people have a car expense in the form of a lease or purchase. Then, they have their debt that they are paying, from credit cards to student loans to the simple utility bills. Sure, some expenditures are needed, but what are they for? The reason people used to uprise and rebel against the rich/royalty/whoever else you want to put there is because their living situation wasn't up to par. But, with the advent of financing, even the poor could afford a beaitufl place to live, resulting in a feeling of luxury. Why would you revolt/uprise when you are living in a place that is beautiful? So, forever until someone either pays off their home or has the money to purchase the home, a certain percentage of future wages are now being garnished. Then, you have your vehicle loan. The vehicle is one's own chariot. Before the advent of financing, the way to get from point A to point B was either by walking or by taking a form of public transportation. GM and GE found out early on that the sales of personal transportation was alot more profitable than that of recurring expenses for public transportation. This is proven with the dismantling of the red cars in Los Angeles - Yes, do your history and you will see that Los Angeles had the best public transportation in the United States, next to possibly New York. But, with the personal transportation afforded by financing, there was huge profits to be made. This also released the amount of liability and overhead associated with running public transportation onto the purchaser of the vehicle... The Dow Jones Industrial Average now begins it's ascent... The Automotive industry has taken off... With that comes electrical industry... GE and GM both knew this... That is just another way to garnish future wages.

Now, we look at expenditures on a smaller level. Most everyone buys items that are marketed. Follow the food chain up, and you have your huge corporations like P&G that are getting a large percentage of this pie. Invent a thing called a credit card, and you now have future wage garnishments for a longer period of time... Then, have interest rates on the oney borrowed that can be set to whatever the credit card company wishes, and you have even more mnoney to be had...

What am I getting at? People strive to be kings and queens... They purchase the homes, they purchase the cars, they purchase the items necesary to feel as if they are kings and queens, and in doing so... They are content... This is how the system is set up so that they do not rebel. The rich have the system set up so that they get the dividends of the massive amounts of poor people that are paying their payments to the rich and it filters through the system so that they get richer...

Okay, so now you have people that own their homes because they just sold in California and moved east and bought a home with the cash they made. Well, keep in mind the American dream is to own a home... Well, now it has changed slightly to not just owning a home... But, more than one... Owning property as an investment has the newest approach to being a king... Because, now not only do you have your castle, but you have your, "commoners" that are paying you, "taxes", in order to have a place to live. Who are the people really getting rich? It is the people who set up the system. Big corporations such as CFC (Ticker Symbol) that are collecting on the huge commissions paid by the kings and queens. But, how do you make it so that these queens and kings don't get too powerful and rich? Well, lower interest rates so that they are so low that even the most unsophisticated people can feel as wealthy as Donald Trump, and let them purchase alot of homes that they view as rental/investments... Then, come out with things called 5/1 interest only ARMS where you only need to pay a fraction of what you really should pay and have it reset in 5 years to a higher payment - Or, what it's going to do, is make alot of people go to sell their home since they can't afford the payments/they can't get renters to pay that much so they are no longer making money on their rental. Let these kings and queens get a taste of luxury, but then... Shut the door. When it comes time to sell, the king and queen have invested so much into such a sure thing that, "always goes up", that they end up worse than they were before and are now owing thousands to the bank... Well, that's where bancruptcy comes in, where there is more money to be made by the lawyers...

Okay, maybe I'm crazy here... Sure, there'll be those that become rich. What about the google guys? What about the youtube dudes, you ask? Well, those are the most sophisticated... So sophisticated that you must include them in the upper levels with you, or else they will be the leaders of the rebellion... Imagine what would have happened if William Wallace would have joined in the royalty? Scotland would still be apart of England... This is just how the system is set up. I for one would be more than happy to shut my mouth if I made millions per year... Because, after all, I am living great...

Well, wait... There is Bill and Melinda Gates that is giving BILLIONS of dollars to help... Well, where are they giving it to? What are they giving for? They are looking to help poor in Africa... Help cure diseases... Helping to bring 3rd world countries into the new age... I love it - I agree... But, who is going to benefit? Microsoft, of course!!! Increase the numbers of people to sell to... In fact, they'll remember the people who gave to them and then buy from the people they trust... Look at how Coca-Cola has been marketed ALL OVER THE WORLD...

The bottom line that I am getting at is this - The rich are getting richer, and the poor are getting poorer... Why? Because that is how the system is set up. The poor want to feel rich.. That's why they spend thousands on nice things that won't get them anywhere in their status in life... That's why they do drugs, because they want to feel like a million bucks... (Though, the rich do it because they can afford it and it does make them feel good). That's why people buy big homes with interest only loans... That's why they buy BMW's and only make $20,000 a year... They want to feel rich... Who profits from all these minute expenditures? The rich... a $1 profit margin on a bottle of coke multiplied by 10 billion a year is $10 Billion... Cut the overhead expenses and you have millions in profits... BUt, for who? For the shareholders... Who are shareholders? You and me.. and super rich people... It's a whole lot easier to make $500,000 from $10 Million than it is rom $50,000. I could guarantee you $500,000 per year if you had $10 million to invest...

What do I propose to do about this? It's very hard and near impossible to do. The system is set up perfectly... People won't rebel because they are happy with their state in life... They can afford to pay their monthly payments and have some left over for fun, which is needed... But, nothing left over for the future... In the meantime, they are stuck in their job because they need to pay those payments, or else ruin their credit which is the basis of everything... Otherwise, we need a paradigm shift in the way we think and realize that to get anywhere, we need to quit buying these big ticket items that are making people so rich... When we do that, what's going to happen? The economy is going to collapse and the almighty dollar will lose value. When you hear GDP is slowing, that means the rich are getting poorer. When that happens, the Fed lowers interest rates so it's cheaper for you and I to buy things, like houses and cars, so that we get sucked back into the trap... and the rich keep getting richer... Soon enough, the rich will become so rich and the rich so poor that we will be back in the days of England where we have the super rich controlling everything from the way we live our lives as not being able to build things onto our homes without permits (A way for the rich to get money), not being able to bring drinks onto airplanes (Further making the rich richer as we have to purchase things in a store) to what we say to what we eat (So much so that they will say that certain things must use pesticides in order to grow it better and healthier, and there will be bans on things like trans fat)... We will have no control because we don't have the money nor the voice... If we don't pay our payments, we will go to jail for fraud... We won't be able to do things like sell things on the street with paying a permit... We won't be able to live in a home we purchase for without paying a tax... A simple luxury as driving on the street will be regulated by taxes... Be it through the fuel we put in our car to the street we drive on... We won't even be able to go see nature without paying...

... hmmm... hmmm... This sounds increasingly realistic... Maybe I'm not that far off after all... hmmm...

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