Thursday, January 11, 2007

::: Transcribed from personal myspace blog account:::

... Education... Go to school and get a good education... Everyone has heard it before... You've probably heard it in the past few days if you're in school... Well, here's the reality of finishing school

- Once you finish with your degree, you're not guaranteed a good job... what more is that you're not even guaranteed a job...

- If you want a good job, you must go to a big name school like a USC or UCLA

- What is that going to do? Well, stemming from my previous posting... It's going to immediately put you at a huge disadvantage in that you are officially going to have a shit load of debt. Unless you come from a wealthy family that is able to pay $40-50,000 for a good education, you're immediately behind. MOreover, you're officially stuck in the rat race... You're in a job once you get out, and making payments to your new debt... Debt grows alot faster than that of assets, so you need to pay it off faster than it grows - which is possible.

Needless to say, why go to college? It is simply to be able to put something on a resume so that you become more marketable. It shows dedication and commitment, that you're not going to up and quit a job a few months down the road. Is it needed? Yes, to know a specific field of trade. Is it recommended? Well, it depends what you want to do. If you want to start a business, and you... Just got writers block... Nothing more to write...

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