Sunday, May 3, 2009


Greetings out there to all who are reading this. I am starting this new blog on blogspot because I like the format and the layout of it. Not just that, but because of search engine crawlers, it will be able to pick this site up, and hopefully get it publicized better than that of myspace - Plus, I hardly use that at all. Not just that, but it is much easier and user friendly. As a disclosure, I have not read those postings for years - I merely copy and pasted them into this blog. Therefore, I apologize if I offend anyone with my transparent language. I tend to speak my mind and the truth and sometimes fail to realize that it may offend people. So, if you have a problem, I will be more than happy to change it. I know I once posted on myspace a specific name of a financial advisor that I thought of as a douche because he lied to his customers merely to make his commission - I subsequently removed his name.

I have in the past 15-20 minutes transcribed all of my pertenant postings from myspace to help you understand that I am not new to this. I have been following the economy quite closely since 2002ish, and following the equity markets since 1998. The previous postings are written from an unbiased approach to the markets, as I have no financial interest in anything I speak of, and if I do, I explain what my interest is. I am not a cheerleader, and the underlying fundamental for myself is that there are certain times to buy assets and certain times to sell. I have been a stock broker for the past 4 years, been in the stock market since 1996 with my first mutual fund - actively traded stocks, mutual funds, options, and commodity ETF's since 2005. I have my undergrad in business finance and minor in economics. But, the basis among my rants is that I speak the honest truth as to how I see it.

I don't care about making money - If I want money, I will go get another job to get more. I am not motivated by money. I have cheap taste, my dream car being a Jeep Wrangler - which I have. I've always wanted a cruiser motorcycle - which I now have. I've always wanted an amazing wife - I have this now. I've always wanted a great daughter - I have that too. What does all this mean? I am not looking to grow my possessions, as that doesn't make a person. So, my rants, posts, blogs, whatever you want to call it - They all stem from an unbiased approach and look on the markets.

With that, I move to my first real post of this blog - the others are all from myspace that have been written over the past few years.

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